What is this all about?

I set up this blog because I know I am receiving 27 million euro or more in a lottery thru manifestation. I want people to see how its done so they can start believing in their own abilities to manifest whatever it is they desire into their life!
I have come a long way to be able to do this.
I will explain along the way! Join my blog to learn about manifestation. It is not going to take longer then 3 month but it might as well happen tomorrow. So lets see ;)

Saturday, September 7, 2013


Only a few hours left and I am already on top of the world!!!

Listening to my current favorite happy songs: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83hoUxrflNk

I manifested my jackpot already for today how awesome is this?!

Here is a quick rundown of my mindset to get here, I copy paste it from a forum where I posted it yesterday:

The way I see it is that everything around us is manifestation or projection of us anyhow! What one has to do is take responsibility for EVERYTHING in their life's.. the good as much as the bad... especially the bad... if you keep blaming things, circumstances or other people for negative things in your life - guess what- you are in VICTIM mode!

You can not create amazing from there... cause you dont hold the ultimate belief that you create everything at all times around you....

So once you take responsibility for everything in life, you moved from victim to cocreator! Then the sky is not even the limit... you are limitless!

Now numbers... DO NOT ever worry! it is irrelevant at that point because you are not actually winning but you are creating a reality in which you receive the jackpot! As that is created by you, whatever numbers you have used are the winning ones! this is so fundamentally important! otherwise you hold beliefs of odds against you and what not and think of possibilities of how the numbers might be responsible for the jackpot.. they are not! You belief is! And that belief has to be based on how reality is created in the first place!!!!! As a projection by you and your higher self.... the more awaken you become the more you take active part in that projection/manifestation... therefore you are a COcreator....

YOu do also not need the booklet of some mysterious woman! Unless the underlying belief you hold is based around chance.. or a right or wrong way of doing it....

There are 27 roads to ElDorado... create your own is all I say... YOu need to create your own reality through your underlying belief systems... you need to be happy inside as someone who has already millions in the bank! Only then will reality match your inside! Not the other way around .You need to be fine to die today without the money because you have no fear of nothing especially not death! You have to know there is no such thing as death! There is only life before, during and after this incarnation... This incarnation is an experience... and you project it... unconscious at the beginning but the more awaken you are the more cocreation it becomes...

Now go and manifest whatever you desire and with a wide chest knowing that there are not circumstances responsible for the outcome BUT your belief!

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