What is this all about?

I set up this blog because I know I am receiving 27 million euro or more in a lottery thru manifestation. I want people to see how its done so they can start believing in their own abilities to manifest whatever it is they desire into their life!
I have come a long way to be able to do this.
I will explain along the way! Join my blog to learn about manifestation. It is not going to take longer then 3 month but it might as well happen tomorrow. So lets see ;)

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

34 million today!

Wonderful amount of money! ;)

On sunday my wife woke me up as she had just found something on the internet that was happening that day. She didn't look for it ntentionally, it was so random that she was excited to go.

Being deep asleep I was a bit reluctant to go but joined her.

It was some kind of guided meditation for like 40 people in one room. I  have never been to something like this but the person who did it was really sympathetic.

It was about releasing and letting go off old belief systems, old programming down to the cellular level. To empower you and make you a true co-creator!

How awesome right?! I had been identifying my old belief systems for the last 2 to 3 years and constantly replacing them with new ones. So this was real nice to do on top of my own efforts.
It was also funny because the two days before I had just started a new habit of a 15 minute meditation each day where I let source freely flow thru me... something from the Abraham book "Ask and it is given" This guided meditation was in that same direction and made more space for source to freely flow within and thru you...

It was held by Damien Wynne, if it interest anybody reading this check him out http://www.light-grids.com/index.html

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