What is this all about?

I set up this blog because I know I am receiving 27 million euro or more in a lottery thru manifestation. I want people to see how its done so they can start believing in their own abilities to manifest whatever it is they desire into their life!
I have come a long way to be able to do this.
I will explain along the way! Join my blog to learn about manifestation. It is not going to take longer then 3 month but it might as well happen tomorrow. So lets see ;)

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Jim Carrey on Law of Attraction

Didn't know until today he has also used LOA all his life!


So tomorrow 65 million!!! Wooohoooo!!



Wednesday, September 25, 2013

wow now the jackpot went up to 65 Million Euro

keep growing I don't mind more money ;) I love it!

Next draw is on friday! Which also has a 21 Million jackpot at Euro Jackpot

As I play both lotteries its an exciting week again! ;) winning the jackpot is in my vortex, therefore done! All I do is watch and enjoy the unfolding of my winnings :)

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Todays jackpot: 53 million

Exciting day, 53 million jackpot! :) wooohoooo how much fun is this!

Once you have identified your desire and you fully go for it - knowledge that you receive it no matter what will take over reality and become the strong subconscious belief for it to surface and match your reality!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

and it keeps growing...

The Jackpot is now at 53 Million Euro for next tuesdays drawing!

Today is a small one of 4 Million.

In general I focus less on it than I did at the start of the blog... its all done for me already really. I visualize for fun every few days automatically either during the day or in the bathtub or at night in bed before sleeping. The focus is completely on the things I am going to do with setting up a games development studio in the Caribbean.. hiring people and friends. Sharing the winning with friends and family etc.... it is a very joyful thing to do at all times. I also keep meditating and being thankful for everything in my life and al around just living extremely happy. Life is great! Especailly enjoying the little things starting with a hot coffee each morning! ;)

Friday, September 20, 2013

he jackpot is still growing

Nobody took it on tuesday so my 27 million jackpot is at a whooping 45 Million Euro

Wonderful amount of money ;) 45 yeah baby!!!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

34 million today!

Wonderful amount of money! ;)

On sunday my wife woke me up as she had just found something on the internet that was happening that day. She didn't look for it ntentionally, it was so random that she was excited to go.

Being deep asleep I was a bit reluctant to go but joined her.

It was some kind of guided meditation for like 40 people in one room. I  have never been to something like this but the person who did it was really sympathetic.

It was about releasing and letting go off old belief systems, old programming down to the cellular level. To empower you and make you a true co-creator!

How awesome right?! I had been identifying my old belief systems for the last 2 to 3 years and constantly replacing them with new ones. So this was real nice to do on top of my own efforts.
It was also funny because the two days before I had just started a new habit of a 15 minute meditation each day where I let source freely flow thru me... something from the Abraham book "Ask and it is given" This guided meditation was in that same direction and made more space for source to freely flow within and thru you...

It was held by Damien Wynne, if it interest anybody reading this check him out http://www.light-grids.com/index.html

Saturday, September 14, 2013

My Jackpot is growing!

So I didn't win it yet :) but the good news is it decided to grow to a whooping 34 Million Euro!!!

And I did win 11,31 Euro...

And as Abraham says:

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Jackpot Love

Dear 27 Million Euro Jackpot! You are soooo mine! ;) You got my name all over you and we both know it!
I created you, I deserve you and I love you! You are my vibrational match and your energy flows thru me! I adore you! Come to papi ;) Don't be shy, show yourself to the world together we are whole ;)

What a wonderful experience, I love and bath in it every minute. Abundance feels so right and is my reality!
Jackpot - I just love that word and especially this image is just soo spot on! I am soo on top of the world of my creation! It is wicked! I love my life!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

27 Million Jackpot again!!!! Wooohooo

Now that was fast manifestation, another 27 Million Euro Jackpot this friday!!!
This time Euro Millones - Somehow I had expected to win in this one anyhow! ;)

Now I know for sure the 27 Million are in my vortex already and all I have to do is RELAX and ALLOW, RELAX and ALLOW! :)

If i get it this friday or another does not matter I know I get it sooner rather than later and I enjoy the unfolding of it in front of me! I am already so thrilled and happy to see I manifested two 27 Million jackpots in a row! wooohoooo how awesome is this... just like the house-number above that door last week showed me two 27's! The universe loves me!! ;)

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Jackpot madness ;)

So yesterday I meditate on it for fun and into my head pops that I will actually win three jackpots!
Lotto, EuroJackpot and Euromillions. Funny enough it feels way easier to me than winning one jackpot... So I put it up my vision-board an made a square behind each lottery to x them out when I win one of them and than stop playing that particular lottery...

Today I find a forum about manifestation and there is a thread about the lottery with 265 pages... I think to myself i want to see some evidence about someone who won the lottery. Randomly i pick page 163 and sure enough on there I find this:

PHOENIX, AZ--(Marketwire - Mar 8, 2013) - The Arizona Lottery announces Diane and Kerry Carmichael as the winners of the $1 million Powerball second prize for the draw on Wednesday, March 6. Remarkably, this is the couple's second Arizona Lottery win following their $2.5 million win on The Pick in December 1995. 
Diane purchased the winning Powerball Quick Pick ticket at the Arizona Lottery's Phoenix office located at 4740 E. University Drive in Phoenix. Kerry had also purchased the couple's winning The Pick ticket at the Arizona Lottery office 18 years ago. "Good things come in threes. Two down, one to go," Diane joked.
The Carmichaels are retired and reside in Tempe. They are still being paid a $125,000 annuity for their 1995 win, which will expire in December 2014. They plan to consult with their financial advisor, but say they will "resist the urge to splurge." 

Now there is someone who won twice already and who beliefs in a third winning!!! ;) After that my wife looks through a magazine she bought in Sweden and she finds in huge letters written. JACKPOT
hahaha fun

Monday, September 9, 2013

Changing the angle

Hm I realised I had been thinking underneath that I was doing the meditations and visualizations in order to attract the jackpot!

Wrong - I now no longer need to do anything TO ATTRACT it.

As it is already done! I am now living day to day with the knowledge and the vibrational match and happiness that I am a multimillionaire and am just doing all these things out of sheer joy because it feels great and I am now constantly aligned!

It feel amazing to be a jackpot winner!!!!! Wooohooooo I am on top of the world!!!!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

The day after ;)

So I did not receive my jackpot so fast! It would have been after 19 days already.

I am still super happy, feeling total abundance though because I know deep within that I receive a jackpot! It is key that you already have the emotions of what you are about to attract for the outside to match your inside!

I am super appreciative for the things that happened, the last three days gave a huge boost in belief due to the extreme visualizations and meditations I did. (thanks to the jackpot 27 and the signs around 27)

Now the learning is this: I was as I wrote: "FLABBERGASTED" when I saw the jackpot! Why?! Because deep within I wasn't expecting it yet! The underlying belief was that it felt TOO EASY
Now there is no such thing as too easy unless you believe so.... I created a feeling that it was too easy subconsciously... so the universe said ok...

I was my own roadblock! Which is fine I love to grow while I do this I love the journey and as I am already as happy as I can be it is all fine.

I think it is good I set myself 90 days as a goal cause if I had set a year it would have felt even more "too easy" after 19 days... I should not even have set 90 days because the UNIVERSE can work super fast and in this case even the 90 days made 19 days feel too easy! LOL

I was on the right track I already created a jackpot within reach in my reality however I said: too easy on a subconcious level... Universe said... ok we make it harder too match your expectation!

Expectation creates... so now I continue having fun on this inner journey to become the alignment of my 27 million Euros! Everything happens for a reason and at the perfect time!
Yesterdays jackpot was an important step forward! ;)

Oh I did win 2,50 Euro -which I am grateful for! :)

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Its done!

Last thing I just listened to and now I let it go - it's done!



Only a few hours left and I am already on top of the world!!!

Listening to my current favorite happy songs: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83hoUxrflNk

I manifested my jackpot already for today how awesome is this?!

Here is a quick rundown of my mindset to get here, I copy paste it from a forum where I posted it yesterday:

The way I see it is that everything around us is manifestation or projection of us anyhow! What one has to do is take responsibility for EVERYTHING in their life's.. the good as much as the bad... especially the bad... if you keep blaming things, circumstances or other people for negative things in your life - guess what- you are in VICTIM mode!

You can not create amazing from there... cause you dont hold the ultimate belief that you create everything at all times around you....

So once you take responsibility for everything in life, you moved from victim to cocreator! Then the sky is not even the limit... you are limitless!

Now numbers... DO NOT ever worry! it is irrelevant at that point because you are not actually winning but you are creating a reality in which you receive the jackpot! As that is created by you, whatever numbers you have used are the winning ones! this is so fundamentally important! otherwise you hold beliefs of odds against you and what not and think of possibilities of how the numbers might be responsible for the jackpot.. they are not! You belief is! And that belief has to be based on how reality is created in the first place!!!!! As a projection by you and your higher self.... the more awaken you become the more you take active part in that projection/manifestation... therefore you are a COcreator....

YOu do also not need the booklet of some mysterious woman! Unless the underlying belief you hold is based around chance.. or a right or wrong way of doing it....

There are 27 roads to ElDorado... create your own is all I say... YOu need to create your own reality through your underlying belief systems... you need to be happy inside as someone who has already millions in the bank! Only then will reality match your inside! Not the other way around .You need to be fine to die today without the money because you have no fear of nothing especially not death! You have to know there is no such thing as death! There is only life before, during and after this incarnation... This incarnation is an experience... and you project it... unconscious at the beginning but the more awaken you are the more cocreation it becomes...

Now go and manifest whatever you desire and with a wide chest knowing that there are not circumstances responsible for the outcome BUT your belief!

Friday, September 6, 2013

The day before

Ok so tomorrow it is! The day I receive 27 Million Euro! Thanks to being precise ;)

I love the number that was chosen for me... I learnt to love it along the way and I sure wear the T-Shirt right now ;)

Here is a video I made today of the street-sign I encountered yesterday, followed by a quick walk to the two 27 above a door across the street!

I also attach two images one of the street-sign and one of the two 27!

All in all I am now living the dream more then ever and am visualizing a lot in sheer joy and keep feeling how I will feel when I have the money in my account. As I am establishing that feeling of freedom, love, happiness, security since a while now.

Tomorrow I will spread the good news for you!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Day 15 omg! the saturday jackpot is 27 Million Euro!!!!

I was walking through the city with the wifey today when we suddenly came across a sign standing on the walkway stating Saturday's Jackpot 27 Million Euros!

I wanted to take a picture but didn't had my phone on me... I will go back tomorrow I think to shoot it... wow I was flabbergasted I did not expect a jackpot of precisely 27 Million already this saturday! I had looked up online earlier today what the jackpot for saturday was but it hadn't been displayed yet! WOW its online now though http://www.tipp24.com/
It looks like this:

MAN!!! How cool is this?!?! I thought ok this is the sign, I went inside and bought a ticket!

Now it sure gets better, we walk out and talk about it in amazement when my wife shouts out: OMG do you see that?!?! I am like no what? Two 27's right there in front of us!

And sure enough at the house in front of use left and right above the door are two 27!!!!

I LOVE THIS - two days to go!!! Let the games begin! ;D

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Day 13 another sign

I am back from the weekend in the south of germany where I had been visiting my family.
Didn't really get to update the blog from there...

So I am in a bus back to Berlin and we get into a traffic jam, I decide to buy me a beer from the driver.
I ask him and he told me they were already out of beer and the last person that looked for one didn't find any left in the fridge. I had a look anyhow and was about to give up when I saw one last one buried under the water bottles :D I told him oh I found one!! He said: No way - wow - you are really lucky you should play the lottery!

!!! I smiled and told him I sure do! :)